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Boost Code Reusability: A Guide to Generics in Rust

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Discover the Joy of Flexibility in Rust: Play Around with Generics in Structs and Enums!

Tired of writing repetitive code for different data types in Rust? Generics are here to save the day!

Generics are pretty awesome. They let you whip up functions, structs, methods, and enums that can juggle a whole range of data types – all without having to redo or rewrite the core logic. So, you get to keep your code neat, to the point, and ready for anything. Cool, right? 🦀

Let’s dive into some examples:

1. Generic Struct:

Imagine a Point struct that can hold coordinates of any type, not just integers.


struct Point<T> {
  x: T,
  y: T,
rust generics data types
rust generics data types

or we can use with multiple generics that holds different data types

struct Point<T, U> {
  x: T,
  y: U,

Now, you can create Points with different data types:


let int_point = Point { x: 3, y: 5 };
let float_point = Point { x: 3.14, y: 2.7 };
let int_and_float = Point {x : 3, y: 3.4};

2. Generic Enum:

Create a result enum (Result) that can hold either a successful value (Ok) or an error (Err), both with generic types! ✅️ ❌️


enum Result<T, E> {

This Result can be used for various operations:


let division_result = match divide(10, 0) {
  Result::Ok(value) => value,
  Result::Err(error) => handle_error(error),

Main Code Example:


fn main() {
  let point = Point { x: 10, y: 20 };
  println!("Point coordinates: ({}, {})", point.x, point.y);

  let division_result = divide(10, 2);
  match division_result {
    Result::Ok(value) => println!("Division result: {}", value),
    Result::Err(error) => println!("Error: {}", error),

fn divide<T>(x: T, y: T) -> Result<T, String> 
  where T: std::ops::Div<Output = T> {
  // Implement division logic here
  match y {
    0 => Result::Err("Division by zero ".to_string()),
    _ => Result::Ok(x / y),

// Implement error handling for divide function (not shown for brevity)
fn handle_error(error: String) {
  println!("Error encountered: {error}");

This is just a taste of the power of generics in Rust. With them, you can write cleaner, more reusable code that adapts to different data types!

3. Generic Function:

In Rust, you can also use generics to create functions that can handle different data types. Check out this function that can swap the values of two pairs:


fn swap<T, U>(pair: (T, U)) -> (U, T) {
    let (x, y) = pair;
    (y, x)

Now, you can swap values of different types:


let result = swap((123, 456.789));
println!("Swapped pair: {:?}", result);

What’s your favorite way to use generics in Rust? Let us know in the comments!


What do you think?

Written by Himanshu Verma

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